Specialisation and projects:
Environmental archaeology, African studies
- email:tmajerovicova@gmail.com
- telephon:+420 389 036 310
Mgr. Tereza Majerovičová
- 2018–present Ph.D. student at the Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Arts, University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic. PhD thesis: Ethnoarchaeology of agriculturalist in Southeast Senegal; supervisor: Assoc. Prof. PhDr. Jaromír Beneš, Ph.D., consultant: Prof. RNDr. Pavla Hejcmanová, Ph.D.; Assoc. Prof. PhDr. Ladislav Šmejda, Ph.D.
- 2015–2018 Master study at the Department of Archaeology, Faculty od Arts, University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic. MA thesis: The Neolithic Houses in Southern Balkans: their insight, function and social-anthropological meaning; supervisor: Assoc. Prof. PhDr. Jaromír Beneš, Ph.D.
- 2011–2015 Bachelor study at the Department of History and Archaeology, Faculty od Arts, University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic. BA thesis: The Neolithic House at the Balkans: genesis and ethnoarchaeology; supervisor: Assoc. Prof. PhDr. Jaromír Beneš, Ph.D
Stays abroad
January–March 2019 Erasmus study stay at the Université de Montpellier, Institut des Sciences de l’Evolution de Montpellier, supervisor: Dr. Ilham Bentaleb
Research interest
The environmental archaeology and ethnoarchaeology of villages in Africa, the archaeology of the Neolithic sites in Balkans, a genesis of the Neolithic house
Participation in the scientific projects
- 2019–2020 GA JU (131/2019/H), Ethnoarchaeology of farmers in southeastern Senegal. Abandoned and living villages in the area of the National Park Niokolo-Koba
- 2016–present Archeobotanical summer schools: Vrbjanska Cuka (2016–2018), North Macedonia; Ohrid (2019–2020), North Macedonia
- 2018–2022 NAKI II (DG18P02OVV060) Identification and protection of the pluzina field systems in Czech Republic
- 2017 Archaeological rescue research Přerov/Předmostí: the Neolithic house research and its archaeobotanical sampling
- Beneš, J., Naumov, G., Majerovičová, T., Budilová, K., Bumerl, J., Komárková, V., Kovárník, J., Vychronová, M., Juřičková, L. 2018. An Archaeobotanical Onsite Approach to the Neolithic Settlements in Southern Regions of the Balkans: The Case of Vrbjanska Čuka, a Tell Site in Pelagonia, Republic of Macedonia, Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica 9.2., 121–145.DOI: 10.24916/iansa.2018.2.1
- BENEŠ, J., NAUMOV, G., MAJEROVIČOVÁ, T., BUDILOVÁ, K. a kol., 2018. Onsite Bioarcheological Knowledge of the Neolithic settlements in the Balkans: The case of Vrbjanska Čuka, a tell-site in Pelagonia, Republik of Macedonia. In. A. Florenzano, M.C. Montecchi, R. Rinaldi (eds.) Humans and Environmental sustainability: Lessons from the past ecosystems of Europe and Northern Africa. 14th Conference of Environmental Archaeology, Modena, 91-93.
- BENEŠ, J., NAUMOV, G., KOMÁRKOVÁ, V., MAJEROVIČOVÁ, T., a kol. 2017. Neolitický tell Vrbjanska Čuka (Makedonie): zpráva o environmentálně archeologickém výzkumu v kontextu krajiny Pelagonie. In: M. Hajnalová, N. Beljak Pažinová, Katarína Šimumková (eds.) Kniha abstraktov 13. Konferencie environmentálnej archeológie. Nitra, 14-15.
- NAUMOV, G., MITKOSKI, A., MURGOSKI, A., BENEŠ, J., ŽIVALJEVIĆ, I., DIMITRIJEVIĆ, V., VYCHRONOVÁ, M., MAJEROVIČOVÁ, T. 2018. Istražuvanje na lokalitetot Vrbjanska Čuka vo 2017 godina / Research of the Vrbjanska Čuka site in 2017
- BENEŠ, J. a MAJEROVIČOVÁ, T., 2017. Book review: The Oxford Handbook of Neolithic Europe. Chris Fowler, Jan Harding and Daniela Hofmann (Eds.). Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica 8.2, 169-172.
- 6/2019 Lecce, Itálie: „18th Conference of the International Workgroup for /alaeoethnogrpahy“: MAJEROVIČOVÁ, T., BENEŠ, J., NOVÁK, J., BUMERL, J., HEJCMANOVÁ, P., MANKA, I., DEME, A. 2019. Sacred trees: a ritual and profane relation between tree and village in Niokolo-Koba National Park, Senegal (poster).
- 2/2018 Modena, Itálie: „14th Conference of Environmental Archaeology 2018“
- 11/2017 Skopje, Makedonie: „ The Neolithic in Macedonia II“
- 2/2017 Nitra, Slovensko: 13. konferencia environmentálnej archeológie
- 12/2016 Skopje, Makedonie: „The Neolithic in Macedonia I“
Where to find us?
Laboratory of Archaeobotany and Palaeoecology
- Faculty of Sciences,
- University of South Bohemia
- Na Zlaté stoce 3
- 370 05 České Budějovice
+420 38 903 6306
+420 38 903 6308