Specialisation and projects:
Field archaeology, Mesolithic and Neolithic
Mgr. Jiří Bumerl
- 2016–present Ph.D. student at the the Institute of Archaeology, Faculty of Arts, University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic. Thesis: Mesolithic and neolithic settlement of South Bohemia and analysis of lithic assemblages. supervisor: Assoc. Prof. PhDr. Jaromír Beneš, Ph.D., consultant: PhDr. et Mgr. Petr Šída, Ph.D.
- 2013–2016 Master study at the the Institute of Archaeology, Faculty of Arts, University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic.Master thesis: Perspektives of ground archaeological survey and archaeological databases in North Budějevice region, South Bohemia. Supervisor Assoc. Prof. PhDr. Jaromír Beneš, Ph.D.
- 2007-2011 Bachelor study at the Institute of Archaeology, Faculty of Arts, University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic. Bachelor thesis: Prehistory and history of human impact on landscape relief: And overview of current directions in the study and the importance of case studies
Stays abroad
- 2019 Archaeobotanical summer school: Ohrid, North Macedonia
- 2016–2018 Archaeobotanical summer school: Vrbjanska Čuka, North Macedonia
Research interest
Mesolithic and Neolithic settlement of South Bohemia, Field archaeology
Participation in scientific projects
- 2018–2022 NAKI II (DG18P02OVV060) Identification and protection of the pluzina field systems in Czech Republic
- Fanta, V., Zouhar, J., Beneš, J., Bumerl, J., & Sklenicka, P. (2020). How old are the towns and villages in Central Europe? Archaeological data reveal the size of bias in dating obtained from traditional historical sources. Journal of Archaeological Science, 113, 105044.
- Vondrovský, V., Bumerl, J., Šída, P., Ptáková, M., Pták, M., & Chvojka, O. 2018: Nové poznatky o neolitickém osídlení jižních Čech. Archeologické Rozhledy, 70(2). 147-194.
- Beneš, J., Naumov, G., Majerovičová, T., Budilová, K., Bumerl, J., Komárková, V., Kovárník, J., Vychronová, M., Juřičková, L. 2018: Onsite Bioarchaeological knowledge of the Neolithic settlements in the southern Balkans: The case of Vrbjanska Čuka, a tell site in Pelagonia, Republic of Macedonia. Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica 9.2.
- Chvojka, J., John, J., Thomová, Z. ed. 2016: Bošilecký poklad. České Budějovice.
- Houfková, P., Bumerl, J., Pospíšil, L., Karlík, P., Beneš, J., Bernardová, A., Hrabalíková, M., Janečková Molnárová, K., Hejcman, M. 2015: Origin and development of long-strip field patterns: A case study of an abandoned medieval village in the Czech Republic. Catena, 135: 83-91
- Zímová, K. et al. 2013: Pluzina developmen analysis of an abolished village Malonín in Prachatice region. Acta Pruhoniciana 104: 27–37
- 2/2017 Nitra, Slovensko: 13. konferencia environmentálnej archeológie
Where to find us?
Laboratory of Archaeobotany and Palaeoecology
- Faculty of Sciences,
- University of South Bohemia
- Na Zlaté stoce 3
- 370 05 České Budějovice
+420 38 903 6306
+420 38 903 6308