Zveme Vás na blokový kurz v rámci centra PAPAVER:

Wood and wood charcoal analysis

Prof.Dr. Oliver Nelle (Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart Landesamt für Denkmalpflege, Gaienhofen-Hemmenhofen, Germany)

The aim of the course is to get aquainted with the methods of wood and wood charcoal analysis. The course will address aspects of taking samples in the field, sample processing, microscopical work, and data analysis. At the end, participant should be familiar with the potentials and limits of wood and wood charcoal analysis and have a first insight into wood anatomy and the application of microscopical wood determination. In addition, other methods of anthracology (charcoal analysis) are also addresed, like fire history reconstructions by the analysis of peat or lake sediment micro- and macrocharcoals.

Time schedule


12th - 13th February 2015

Lape, Na Zlaté stoce 3, České Budějovice

Do kurzu se prosím registrujte zde

V případě otázek nás kontaktuje na papavercz@gmail.com



Kde nás najdete?

Laboratoř archeobotaniky a paleoekologie

  • Katedra botaniky
  • Přírodovědecká fakulta,
  • Jihočeská univerzita
  • Na Zlaté stoce 3
  • 370 05 České Budějovice



+420 38 903 6306
+420 38 903 6308

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