Zveme Vás na blokový kurz v rámci centra PAPAVER:
Palaeoenvironmental studies of the Mediterranean and Sahara
vedený Dr. Anna Maria Mercuri and PhD. Assunta Florenzana (Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia)
Lectures in archaeobotany, palynology and palaeoenvironmental studies are targeted on attractive regions in Italy (North Italian Bronze Age terramaras, Basilicata in Southern Italy ) as well as on the human prehistoric occupation in Sahara. Special attention is paid to palaeoclimate development and cultural trajectories in Northern Africa and Southern Europe. Lectures are followed by practical meetings with pollen samples and macroremains.
Time schedule
4 June Wednesday
Morning 8:30
- Principles of pollen morphology and applied palynology
- Examples of NPPs morphology and classification
Afternoon 14:00
- Pollen slides from the reference pollen collection: section morphology (fresh and acetolysed)
- Pollen slides from the special sections of the reference pollen collection (aerobiology; honey; forensic palynology; lake-marine cores)
5 June Thursday
Morning 8:30
- Environment and land-use of the Terramare (Bronze age Po Plain, northern Italy)
- Pastoralism and modern case study in Basilicata, southern Italy
Afternoon 14:00
- Land-use and climate
6 June Friday
Morning 8:00
- Archaeobotany of arid lands: mesolithic to pastoralist shelters in the central Sahara , with practical observation of macroremains
Afternoon 14:00
- Palynology: Mid Holocene climate oscillations and cultural trajectories in Mediterranean and Saharan areas
Kurz poběží v termínu 4.-6.6.2014 v přednáškové místnosti v budově Na Zlaté stoce 3.
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