About the Laboratory

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Laboratory of Archaeobotany and Palaeoecology (LAPE) is specialized research body of the university founded in September 2002 at the Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia as part of the Department of Botany. Since 2014 LAPE is a separate department of Faculty of Science.

Research activity of laboratory members is targeted at the area of bioarchaeology and palaeoecology, namely archaeobotany, archaeozoology, but also other specializations dealing with interaction between humans and environment in history. Bachelor, magister and doctor theses namely in botany, zoology and environmental archaeology are developed within the laboratory. In the case of environmental archaeology, laboratory closely collaborates with the Institute of Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy. LAPE comprises research in the Czech Republic as well as abroad. LAPE also offers services for other research bodies. Besides consultancy concerning natural sciences in archaeology LAPE provides analytical work in several areas of bioarchaeology. LAPE co-edits the international journal Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica, Natural Sciences in Archaeology (IANSA).

  • Specialization and projects:

    Historical Ethnobotany
  • Email:jitullka@gmail.com
  • Phone:+420 389 036 308

Mgr. Jitka Kosňovská

Since 2017

Postgradual study at Faculty of Science; PhD. thesis: Archaeobotany and ethnobotany of the early modern time Prague castle. Supervisor Assoc. Prof. Jaromír Beneš


maternity leave


Postgradual study at Faculty of Science; PhD. thesis: Archaeobotany and ethnobotany of the early modern time Prague castle. Supervisor Assoc. Prof. Jaromír Beneš


Master study at Faculty of Science; Master thesis: Archaeobotanical analysis ofRenaissance vault infills from Vladislav Hall,Old Royal Palace, Prague Castle, Czech Republic (supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Jaromír Beneš)


Bachelor study at Faculty of Science; bachelor thesis: The archeobotanical research of the Early Modern waterlogged cesspit in Prague-Celetná street and possibilities of photography documentation. Supervisor:  Assoc. Prof. Jaromír Beneš, consultancy  Assoc. Prof. František Weyda.


Language school Lingua Viva in Prague (English, Spanish)


High school J. A. Komenského, Nové Strašecí


Research interest

Specialization on historical ethnobotany and macroremain analyses in early modern period. Special focus in archaeobotanical collections is on useful plants and its changing assortment in time, spreading and utility of useful plant in historical and ethnobotanical perspective. Using the archaeobotanical databases was focused on archaeobotanical sites, artefacts and macroremains across the world to reflect the centres of plants domestication and traces the plants utilities for the better understanding the role of useful plant in developing society.


  • Kosňovská, J., Macků, P. 2017: Archeologický a archeobotanický výzkum raně novověké studny z Telče – Štěpnic. Archaeological and archaeobotanical examination of an early modern well in Telč – Štěpnice. In: Archeologické výzkumy na Vysočině, 5/2014, 140-161
  • Kosňovská J. 2013: The origin, archaeobotany and ethnobotany of sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Miller) in the Czech Republic, Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica 4(2): 163–176, DOI: 10.24916/iansa.2013.2.3
  • Beneš J., Čulíková V., Kosňovská J., Frolík J., Matiášek J. 2012: Luxury Goods at Prague Castle: the Archaeobotany of Imported Useful Plants in the Early Modern Period, Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica 3(1): 103–114. DOI: 10.24916/iansa.2012.1.7
  • Kosňovská J., Houfková P., Kovář D. 2011: Lannova třída ve světle archeobotanických analýz, Archeologické výzkumy v jižních Čechách, 24/2011, 263-280.


  • Kosňovská J, Beneš J., Skružná J. 2019: What would have been the archaeobotanical signals of luxury status of the site without discovering the Americas? The case of Prague Castle in the Early Modern period and ethnobotanic meaning of the new useful plants. International Workgroup for Palaeoethnobotany, Lecce, Italy (oral presentation).
  • Kosňovská J, Beneš J. 2018: Structure and useful plant dynamics on Prague Castle: archaeobotanical and ethnohistorical perspective.  The Conference of Environmental Archaeology. Modena, Italy (oral presentation).
  • Kosňovská J. 2016: Exotické archeobotanické taxony z 16/17. století analyzované z klenebního zásypu Vladislavského sálu na Pražském hradě. 48. ročník mezinárodní konference archeologie středověku Archaeologia historica (poster contribution).
  • Kosňovská J. 2015:  Carob fruit (Ceratonia siliqua L.) as a reference of brisk trade in the early modern area of the Prage castle, Czech Republic. Conference of Environmental Archeology, České Budějovice (poster contribution).
  • ​Kosňovská J. 2011: The origin, spread and utilization of sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa), 7. Conference of environmental archaeology, Brno (oral presentation).
  • Beneš J., Čulíková V., Kosňovská J., Frolík J., Matiášek J. 2011: Luxury plants in the Prague castle in the early modern time: Mediterranean footprint in Central Europe, 7. Conference of environmental archaeology, Brno (oral presentation).
  • Kosňovská J., Beneš J., Frolík J., Matiášek J. 2011: Archaeobotanical analysis of the early modern waste-vault infill from Vladislav hall, Prague castle. Environmental Archaeology of Urban sites, Gdaňsk (oral presentation).
  • Kosňovská J., Beneš J., Frolík J., Matiášek J. 2010: Archaeobotanical analysis of the Early Modern vault infill from Vladislav Hall, Old Royal Palace, Prague Castle, Czech Republic, 15th Conference of the International Work Group for Palaeoethnobotany in Wilhelmshaven, Germany (poster contribution).

Pedagogical activity

Since 2013  Course of Historical ethnobotany (with Jaromír Beneš)

Where to find us?

Laboratory of Archaeobotany and Palaeoecology

  • Faculty of Sciences,
  • University of South Bohemia
  • Na Zlaté stoce 3
  • 370 05 České Budějovice



+420 38 903 6306
+420 38 903 6308

© 2013 LAPE  |   Administration